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Slavisches Seminar

Dolores Lemmenmeier-Batinić

Dolores Lemmenmeier-Batinić, Dr.

  • Assoziierte Forscherin

About me

I am a linguist with expertise in creating digital collections of spoken and written language (corpora), focusing on German and Slavic languages. Currently I work as a research assistant at the School of Applied Linguistics (ZHAW), where I am engaged in the development of a corpus of Swiss public communication.

I obtained my PhD in Linguistics on spoken language corpora at the Slavic Seminar of the University of Zurich, where I worked as assistant to the Chair for Linguistics from 2019 to 2023. During that time, the focus of my research was BCMS (Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian) spoken in Switzerland by heritage language speakers. I studied their language practices, the attitudes they have towards their heritage language, as well as the names they use for it (Jugo, Serbo-Croatian, naš, etc.). I co-conducted a transnational survey on BCMS in the German speaking diaspora and collected recordings of BCMS spoken in diaspora in an elicited task developed together with my students (BCMS map tasks).

Current work and Publications

  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (in prep.). Is naš one or four languages? Language unity and language names of B/C/M/S seen through the eyes of their speakers in home countries and in diaspora.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D., Savić, S., Rajović, N., Sonnenhauser, B., Wiemer, B., Birzer, B., & Mendoza, I. (in prep.). Corpus of Linguistic Categories in Slavic (CoLiCaSlav).
  • Morand, M.A., Schmid, S., & Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (in prep.). Phonetic Features of Multiethnolectal Zurich German Reflect L1 Transfer but only Partially. To be submitted to: Journal of Language Contact.
  • Frick, E, Helmer, H., & Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (accepted) Querying Repetitions in Spoken Corpora. KONVENS 2024.
  • Krasselt, J., Dreesen, P., Stücheli-Herlach, P., Lemmenmeier, D., Cho, S., Rothenhäusler, K., & Fluor, M. (2023). Swiss-AL: Platform for Language Data in Applied Sciences: On Challenges in the Field of Language Open Research Data. Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure, 1.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (2023). Synopsis for the cumulative PhD thesis "Spoken Language Corpora. Approaches for Facilitating Linguistic Research". University of Zurich.
    DOI: 10.5167/UZH-235310
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D., Batinić, J., & Escher, A. (2023). Map Task Corpus of Heritage BCMS spoken by second-generation speakers in Switzerland. Lang Resources & Evaluation 57, 1607-1644.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (2021). Converting raw transcripts into an annotated and turn-aligned TEI-XML corpus: the example of the Corpus of Serbian Forms of Address. Slovenščina 2.0: 123-144.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D., Ljubešić, N., & Samardžić, T. (2020). XML- Encoding of a spoken Serbian corpus targeting forms of address. In: Conference on Language Technologies & Digital Humanities, Ljubljana, 24-25. September 2020, 127-130.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (2020). Lexical Explorer: extending access to the Database for Spoken German for user-specific purposes. Corpora, 15 (1): 55-76.
  • Batinić, D., & Schmidt, T. (2018). Reconstruction of separable particle verbs in a corpus of spoken German. In: Rehm, Georg/Declerck, Thierry (Hrsg.). In: Language technologies for the challenges of the digital age. 27th International Conference, GSCL 2017 Berlin, Germany, 13-14. September 2017. Proceedings. (= Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 10713). Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018, 3-10.
  • Meliss, M., Möhrs, C., Batinić, D., & Perkuhn, R. (2018). Creating a List of Headwords for a Lexical Resource of Spoken German. In: Čibej, Jaka/Gorjanc, Vojko/Kosem, Iztok/Krek, Simon (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography in Global Contexts, 17-21. July, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba, 2018, 1009-1016.
  • Möhrs, C., Meliss, M., & Batinić, D. (2017). LeGeDe - towards a corpus-based lexical resource of spoken German. In: eLex 2017, Leiden, 19-21. September 2017, 281-298.
  • Batinić, D., Birzer, S., & Zinsmeister, H. (2017). Automatic Classification of Russian Texts for Didactic Purposes. In: Trudy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii "Korpusnaja lingvistika - 2017", Sankt Peterburg, 27-30 June 2017, 9-15.
  • Batinić, D., Birzer, S., & Zinsmeister, H. (2016). Creating an extensible, levelled study corpus of Russian. In: Konvens 2016, Bochum, 19-21. September 2016, 38-43.
  • Graën, J., Batinić, D., & Volk, M. (2014). Cleaning the Europarl Corpus for Linguistic Applications. In: Konvens 2014, Hildesheim, 8-10. October 2014, 222-227.

Presentations (selection)

  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (2022). Map Task Korpus von BKMS als Herkunftssprache. Kolloquium Slavistische Linguistik. University of Zurich,14. December 2022.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D., Escher, A., & Sonnenhauser, B. (2021). Auxiliary omission in perfect tense in Timok and in spoken Serbian. A corpus analysis. Presentation at the Conference Sovremennye metody izuchenija serbskogo jazyka v sinhronii i diahronii [Modern methods of studying Serbian language in synchrony and diachrony]. M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 17-18. May 2021.
  • Mayer, H., & Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (2021). (Sprach)einstellungen von BKMS-Herkunftssprecher*innen. Eine länderübergreifende Studie. Workshop (Herkunfts)Sprachen in der Schweiz: Über ‘Jugo’, ‘Jugo-Deutsch’ und ethnolektales Schwizertüütsch, URPP Language and Space, University of Zurich, 9. December 2021.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D., & Mayer, H. (2021). Distinktive Merkmale der BKMS-Varietäten: Eine empirische länderübergreifende Studie. Kolloquium Slavistische Linguistik, University of Zurich, 10. March 2021.
  • Lemmenmeier-Batinić, D. (2019). Klassifikation der Texte des LeStCoR-Korpus’ in sechs Komplexitätsstufen mittels SVM classifier. Institute of Slavic Studies and Hungarian Studies, Berlin, 16. December 2019.


Multilingualism and Identity, Spring Semester, 2023

Introduction to Corpus Linguistics for Slavists, Fall Semester, 2022

Language Policy in the Slavic-Speaking Area (with Ivan Šimko), Fall Semester, 2020

BCMS as Heritage Language, Spring Semester, 2020

Corpus Linguistics, Fall Semester, 2019

For my prior positions see


For my research output see