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Slavisches Seminar

Sandra King-Savić, Dr.

  • PostDoc Migrationsforschung
  • Fokus auf Mittel- und Südosteuropa
044 634 35 21
PLG C 204


December 2022 Certificate Program of Advanced Studies in Migration Law (CAS), University of Bern, CH
February 2019 Dr. rer. soc., Organization Studies, University of St. Gallen, CH
May 2013 MA, Russian and East European Studies, University of Kansas Lawrence, USA
December 2010 BA, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA
August 2001

Berufsschule Stans, Switzerland

Education | In progress

Certificate Program of Advanced Studies in Higher Education (CAS), teaching certificate, University of St. Gallen (expected 2024)

Research projects

2023 – 2026 (Co-PI) Horizon-CL2-2022 Transformations-01 Grant for the realization of the "Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe: Institutions, Interests and Policies" (PRIME) project, 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2026, coordinated by the European University Institute in Florence, in cooperation with Uniwersitet Warszawksi, Dank Flygtningehjaelp Forening, Uppsala Universitet, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu - Pravni Fakultet, and the University of Bristol (ongoing)
2019 – 2022

Post-doctoral research project: "Mediating Belonging in Switzerland: Understanding Integration and its affect on Labor Migrants and Refugees from Yugoslavia", University of St. Gallen | Basic Research Fund University St. Gallen (ongoing)

2016 – present

Scientific outreach project in cooperation with All might Change: "Voices of the Via Egnatia" | Ernst Göhner Foundation, Landis & Gyr Foundation, City of Zürich, City of St. Gallen

2014 – 2019

Ph.D. research project: "Transnational Black-Market Practices between Novi Pazar, Serbia, and Turkey: Re-Constructing Social Relations through the Prism of Šverc (Smuggling)", University of St. Gallen | awarded through the Swiss National Foundation

2010 – 2013 MA research project: "Social History of Interethnic Relations: A Case Study of Novi Pazar, Serbia", University of Kansas | Foreign Military Studies Office, Foreign Language and Area Studies

Courses taught

Spring 2025 Transnational Practices and Diaspora-Making - Perspectives from the Global East, co-teaching with Karolina Czerska-Shaw (Jagiellonian University in Krakow)
Fall 2024

Race and Race-Making in Comparative Perspective, co-teaching with Dr. Suzanne Enzerink (University St. Gallen)

Fall 2024 Introduction to Migration Studies, University St. Gallen
Spring 2024

Imperium-Nation-Kommunismus: Zeitgenössische Interpretation von Nationalismus in Südosteuropa, BA study abroad course, co-teaching with Dr. Partschefeld (University St. Gallen) 
Study abroad Component: in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Macedonia

Spring 2023 Introduction to Migration Studies
Spring 2023 In the Shadows - Economic Relationships, Politics and Practices Beyond State Law
Since fall 2018

Immigration, Flight, Expulsion – A History of Migration, 1650 – 2000, a repeating, mandatory assessment course taught every semester in either German or English, University of St. Gallen

Spring 2022    

Imperium-Nation-Kommunismus: Zeitgenössische Interpretation von Nationalismus in Südosteuropa, BA study abroad course, co-teaching with Dr. Partschefeld (University St. Gallen)
Study abroad Component: in Belgrade Serbia, Skopje North Macedonia, Tirana Albania

Fall 2021 In the Shadows - Economic Relationships, Politics and Practices Beyond State Law, co-teaching with Matias Dewey (University St. Gallen)
Fall 2020

Migrationsland Schweiz – Geschichte und Gegenwart der globalen Eidgenossenschaft, MA course, co-teaching with Prof. Dr. Caspar Hirschi, University of St. Gallen

Spring 2020

Knowledge, Power, Culture – Rethinking (former) Yugoslavia, MA, co-teaching with Dr. Jelena Tosic, University of St. Gallen

Fall 2019

Migration und Technologie im Spannungsfeld von Möglichkeit und Kontrolle, BA course, co-teaching with Dr. Jan Horstmann (University of St. Gallen)

Fall 2019

Russian and Turkish Soft Power in the Western Balkans, MA, co-teaching with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmid (University St. Gallen)
Study Abroad Component: 27. October – 3. November 2019 in Belgrade and Novi Pazar in Serbia, Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegowina

Fall 2018

Imperium-Nation-Kommunismus: Zeitgenössische Interpretation von Nationalismus in Südosteuropa, BA study abroad course, co-teaching with Dr. Partschefeld (University St. Gallen)
Study abroad Component: 28. October – 3. November 2018 in Belgrade Serbia, Skopje North Macedonia, Tirana Albania

Forthcoming peer-reviewed publications


  • Leila Giannetto, Abubaker Khan, Yagoub Kibeida, Sandra King-Savic, Usman Mahar and Caitlin Procter. "Experts, not vulnerable: Centering dignity in research with irregularised migrants" in the Special Issue on Beyond "Vulnerable Populations", Vulnerability as a Sensitizing Concept in Field Research for the Journal of Qualitative Research. (R&R)
  • King-Savic, Sandra and Karolina Czerska-Shaw, "Waves of Belonging: The shaping and anchoring of migrant networks through successive mixed migration patterns of former Yugoslavs to Switzerland and Ukrainians to Poland. A comparative case study". (book chapter submitted to Human Mobility & Migration Lab)

In preparation

  • King-Savic, Sandra. The Production of Irregularized Migration: Or the Refusal to the Right of Work – Preliminary Insights from Fieldwork in Austria. Migration Policy Centre: European University Institute.
  • King-Savic, Sandra. Book proposal Integrating in whose Name – Creating the Other in the Mirror-Image of Europe (working title). Book manuscript.

Peer-reviewed monograph published

Peer-reviewed article published

  • Wanner, C., King-Savic, S., Tosic, J., & Tarkhanova, O. (2023). On the Challenges of Engagement and Doing Ethnographic Research in Conclict Zones. Ethnologia Polona, 44.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2023). "Who Belongs to the Swiss Body Politique – A Diaspora Perspective" in Frontiers of Political Sciences – Refugees and Conflict 5:1145634. doi: 10.3389/fpos.2023.1145634. Publication in mid-2023.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2022) Conceptualizing Informal Practices as Solidarity-chains - Diasporas Coming into Existence (Vol. 30 Issue 3 pp. 227-251 Tokovi Istorije / Currents of History. tokovi.2022.3.kin.227-251

Peer-reviewed review articles published

  • King-Savic, Sandra (2022). Paper Trails: Migrants, Documents, and Legal Insecurity. Horton, S. B., & Heyman, J. (Eds). Duke University Press, 2020, 242 pp. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 38(2), 1–3. https://
  • Mišo Kapetanović and Sandra King-Savic (2020). Everyday Life in the Balkans. David W. Montgomery (Eds). Bloomington: Indiana, 2018. 448 pp. Journal for Southeaster Europe. ISBN 0-253-03817-0.

Contribution to book published

  • King-Savic Sandra (2020). "Voices of the Via Egnatia" in Via Militaris Orta Kol, Orient Express, Autoput: Transformations of a Route, ed. Nenad Stefanov and Florian Riedler. De Gruyter.

Digital resources published

Doctoral thesis

Other publications

  • Argumentarium (2024). Für ein Modernes Bürgerrecht. Ed. Kijan Espahangizi, Sandra King-Savic, Barbara von Rütte und Sara Pinto Cardoso. Institut Neue Schweiz.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2024). "Spannungsfeld Integration" in Argumentarium. Für ein Modernes Bürgerrecht. Ed. Kijan Espahangizi, Sandra King-Savic, Barbara von Rütte und Sara Pinto Cardoso. Institut Neue Schweiz.
  • King-Savic Sandra, & Tosic Jelena. (2019). Frauen auf der Flucht: Anerkennung jenseits von Viktimisierung (Issue 3 pp. 4-5). Mitteilungsblatt.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2021). Editorial: Migration and Mobilities within the Yugosphere: Migration Patterns From, and Within the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (pp. 3-6) Euxeinos: Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2021) "Reframing Integration from the Perspective of those who Experienced Migration: An Ethnography with former Labor Migrants and Refugees from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" (Vol. 31, Issue 05 pp. 34-41. Euxeinos: Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2020). Integration aus der Perspektive von jugoslawischen Migranten (S. Kube, Ed.; Issues 2-3). Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2017). Editorial: Islam in Central Asia and Southeastern Europe (Issue 23, pp. 3-5. Euxeinos: Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2017). Gespaltene islamische Gemeinschaft im Sandžak (Issues 19-22). Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West.
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2017). Serbia’s Sandžak: Caught Between Two Islamic Communities (Issue 23, pp. 23-37). Euxeinos: Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe. handle/20.500.14171/103173
  • King-Savic, Sandra (2011). History and Identity within the Sandzak Region.

Oral contributions

Appearances in the media and local news

Invited Talks

  • Referat: "Wie hat die Migration die Schweiz verändert? oder: Wie geht gute Integration?", Wissensfesival "Aha", Luzern, 24.-25.01.2025
  • Museums Gespräch: Weiss – Die Benennung Unreiner Assoziationen, Textilmuseum St. Gallen, 13.04.2023
  • Vortrag: Die Zugehörigkeit zum Schweizer Body-Politique Mobilitätsregime und Interdependenz zwischen dem West-Balkan und der Schweiz, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, 03.04.2023
  • Debatte: Netzwerk-Treffen zum Thema politische Mitbestimmung von Menschen ohne Schweizer Bürgerrecht, kHaus Basel, 27. März 2023
  • Vortrag: Aus dem zerfallenen Jugoslawien in die Schweiz, Volkshochschule Zürich, 7. Februar 2023
  • Vortrag: Transnationale Praktiken von Diasporagruppierungen mit spezifischem Augenmerk auf den Balkan und die Schweiz, Hochschule Luzern, 31. Januar 2023
  • Debatte: INES Club #Neue Schweiz#: Debatte zu aktuellen auf der Schnittstelle Migration, 22. Oktober 2022, Reithalle Basel 
  • SP-Sommerspaziergänge: "Gemeinsam am Langen Tisch", Mittwoch, 31. August 2022, invited by the Sozialdemokratischen Partei St. Gallen
  • Presentation: "Integrating in Whose Name? An Emic Perspective of Experiencing Mobility and Integration", Dealing with the Violent Past: Transnational Dimensions and Diasporic Experiences, University of Zürich, 23 - 24 September 2021
  • Presentation: Book presentation at the EUI Anthropology working group in Florence, Italy, 1 June 2021
  • Vortrag: "Integrating in Whose Name? An Emic Perspective of Experiencing Mobility and Integration", Workshop zu Migration mit Inputs aus Kunst, Kultur und Wissenschaft, Center for Global Studies (CGS) am historisch-philosophischen Institut an der Universität Bern, 15 Mai 2021 (canceled due to Covid19)
  • Presentation: "Reframing Integration: Building a new Paradigm of Integration Based on the Perspective of those who Experienced Migration. A Case Study of Labor migrants and Refugees from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in Switzerland" at the Kompaktkolloquim for Ph.D. candidates and postdocs at the University of Constance, February 10th 2020
  • Presentation: "Integration' von Jugoslawischen 'Gastarbeitern' und 'Asyslsuchenden'", Brown bag Seminars at the University of Graz, 7. January 2020
  • Discussant: "Southern steppe frontiers and the Black Sea region", Borderlands and Contact Zones in Ukraine and the Black Sea Region Conference in Vinnytsa, Ukraine, 12. September 2019
  • Presentation: "Zur Integration in der Migrationsforschung", Doctoral Colloquium at the Department of History, University of St. Gallen, 15. May 2019
  • Presentation: "Mediating Belonging in Switzerland: Strategies of Integration Among Labor Migrants and Refugees from Yugoslavia", Migration Working Group – Labour Market | Integration of Migrants and Refugees at the European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence, 26 March 2019
  • Chair: "Liberalism in Yugoslavia: before and after the disintegration" 3rd Workshop Basler Arbeitskreis für Südosteuropa (BASO), University of Basel, 15 March 2019
  • Lecture: "Introduction to qualitative data collection", New Europe College in Bucharest, Romania, 28 February 2019
  • Lecture: "Transnational Relations and Informal Markets in Post-Socialist Serbia", Summer School on Borderland Studies in East-Central Europe and the Black Sea Region, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 25 June – 6 July 2019
  • Chair: "Are we still rocking the boat? Reflections on Gender Research as Critical Enquiry", Engendering Academia, University of St. Gallen, 5 June 2018
  • Chair: "The Revolution Expands: Now and Then", One Hundred years that shook the world: Failures, legacies and futures of the Russian Revolution, University of St. Gallen, 6 October 201
  • Presentation: "Voices of the Via Egnatia", Landis & Gyr Foundation in Support of History and Social Science Projects in Zug, Switzerland, 4 November 2016