Katrin Kremmel, Mag.a
- Senior researcher
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Katrin Kremmel is a senior researcher at the University of Zurich, working for the Horizon Europe project "Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe: Institutions, Interests and Policies" (PRIME). She is also a PhD candidate at the Social and Cultural Anthropology department of the University of Vienna, focusing on reconfigurations of citizenship and unwaged labor in European asylum regimes. Before her current employment, she has worked as a praedoc University assistant at the University of Vienna and as a junior researcher at the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology in Vienna.
06/2016- |
Graduate studies Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences, University of Vienna PhD project: "Governing Asylum in Rural Areas: Law in Practice and Citizenship in Action" (expected graduation 07/2025) |
10/2004-07/2012 |
Degree (Mag.a) in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna; Thesis title: "Eles não entendem!" – Sie verstehen nicht? JugendbewährungshelferInnen in São Paulo erzählen von ihren KlientInnen |
2016-2022 | praedoc Universitätsassistentin am Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universität Wien |
2012-2016 | Junior Researcher am Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie, Wien |
PRIME – Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe, Horizon Europe, University of Zurich
ALTERNATIVE – Developing alternative understandings of security and justice through restorative justice approaches in intercultural settings within democratic societies, FP7, Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology, Vienna
Forthcoming | "Troubling "volunteering": unwaged migrant labor as "non-work", Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa |
Forthcoming | "Investigating restorative justice through Participatory Action Research" (with Gabor Hera) In "Handbook of Research Methods in Restorative Justice", edited by Brunilda Pali, Estelle Zinsstag, Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt, Katrine Barnekow Rasmussen, Eleven International Publisher. |
2022 | "'I take care and the state sabotages from the beginning to the end!': tracing 'volunteering' in European provision arrangements for refugees and asylum seekers", Citizenship Studies, 27(4), 465-480. DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2022.2151570 |
2020 | "Participatory Justice and Participatory Security" (with Ivo Aertsen, Gabriella Benedek, Gabor Hera, Brunilda Pali and Christa Pelikan) In "Sag, wie hast du’s mit der Kriminologie?" Die Kriminologie im Gespräch mit ihren Nachbardisziplinen edited by Christian Grafl, Monika Stempkowski, Katharina Beclin and Isabel Haider, 763-802. DOI: 10.25365/phaidra.171. http://www.krimg.de/drupal/node/4 |
2018 | "Sem „direito a ter direitos"?: Lendo os protestos de refugiados enquanto autonomia politica“ (with Brunilda Pali), DiÁLOGO, Vol. 39, 133-142. |
2018 | "Restorative justice and urban citizenship. A comparative dialogue between Vienna and Brussels." (with Erik Claes) In Restoring Justice and Security in Intercultural Europe edited by Brunilda Pali and Ivo Aertsen, 75-92. Oxon and New York: Routledge. |
2018 | "Getting involved and remaining distant: on action research in Vienna." (with Christa Pelikan), In Action Research in Criminal Justice edited by Inge Vanfraechem and Ivo Aertsen, 60-80. Oxon and New York: Routledge. |
2017 | "Lifeworld, Law and Justice." (with Christa Pelikan) In Critical Restorative Justice, edited by Ivo Aertsen and Brunilda Pali, 160-175. Oxford: Hart Publishing. |
2016 | "Migration, Legalität und Kriminalität: Rechtssoziologische Wissensdefizite im Schatten administrativen Wissens." (with Walter Fuchs, Andrea Kretschmann & Arno Pilgram), Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 41, 103-123. |
2015 | "Refugee protests and political agency: Framing dissensus through precarity." (with Brunilda Pali), In Critical criminology in a changing world. Green harms and crimes, social injustice, protest and oppression edited by Ragnhild Sollund, 256-273. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan. |
2014 | "On active participation and on the community." (with Christa Pelikan), In Policing minority communities: Restorative Justice approaches and its embeddedness in Austria, Hungary and Germany, edited by Joachim Kersten, Ansgard Burchard & Catharina Decker, 33-46. Münster: Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei – Hochschulverlag. |
2013 | "Alternative research sites 1. - Social housing estates as intercultural settings: the research site in Vienna." In European Forum for Restorative Justice Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 2. |